You will die of thirst before someone walks by screaming DRINKS! If you eat at the buffet the drinks are $1 with your meal. Do not feel appreciated when we gamble at Downstream! Is the casino in financial trouble? Good luck finding a drink. We are your customers, we vote with our wallets.our money is not good enough for Downstream any more. Why did I lose host? Your play went down.My play went down but, I still earned gold? If you aren't one of the chosen ones to have a host, you can earn Gold status and be denied benefits of the Gold card because they say so. Asked them when did I lose my host? Was told over about 6 months ago. What are you talking about? Seems if you are gold card and don't have a host you are allowed 2 visits to the VIP lounge for 6 months. Did that, went to have a drink in the VIP lounge and they start talking about coupons. Earn 30,000 points a year now you have to earn 15,000 in six months. Always had access to the VIP lounge on the 12th floor of hotel tower. Do not gamble here! Have been Gold card for at least three years. Enjoy staying in the hotel, the rooms are large and clean.